FDP- " Digital Library Orientation and How to Access E - Resources" Report

IQAC has organized a FDP on " Digital Library Orientation and How to Access E - Resources " on 8th February 2023 at 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm for St. Vincent Pallotti Degree College faculty members. Resource person for the day, Mr. Kiran Nandi Chief Librarian, SVPC with Assistance of Ms. Sahana. C, Librarian,SVPC. The lecture was highly interactive and more informative. We discussed about various library resources, needs for the research activities. He also threw light on how library E-resources can be useful for the same. His lecture enlightened the Faculty on importance about e-PG Pathshala, National Digital Library with New tools using ‘Database and Digital Library’ for research and analysis. The lecture was of great successes. It helped faculty members to know about something new and also assisted in exploring library E- resources in its true sense. The lecture came to an end with the vote of thanks by Mrs. Namitha HOD Department of BBA, SVPC.